Buffalo Khaki DISCOUNTED | Extra Extra Large Hank
This Giant Sized HonkyHank is made with a red and khaki plaid and a red background. It’s a large hank, great for a work out towel, or any place that you need something a little bigger than a pocket square. This hank is a “second” – and is discounted, because the plaid piece has an […]

Buffalo Khaki | Extra Extra Large Hank
This Giant Sized HonkyHank is made with a red and khaki plaid and a red background. It’s a large hank, great for a work out towel, or any place that you need something a little bigger than a pocket square. HonkyHanks are high-end, handmade handkerchiefs – made for you to carry in your pocket for […]

Cobalt | Medium Hank
This HonkyHank is made with a green and blue plaid fabric on one side, and a blue fabric on the other. This medium sized rectangular hank is great for pocket carrying! HonkyHanks are high-end, handmade handkerchiefs – made for you to carry in your pocket for every situation. HonkyHanks are ready to capture your blood, […]

Publicite | Extra-Large Hank
This HonkyHank is made with a fabric printed with a vintage french newspaper design on a canvas fabric, and a green solid fabric. HonkyHanks are high-end, handmade handkerchiefs – made for you to carry in your pocket for every situation. HonkyHanks are ready to capture your blood, sweat and tears, while you live your […]

Fake News
This HonkyHank is made with a fabric printed with a random english fashion newspaper design, and a blue plaid. The newsprint is a bit random, and doesn’t make a lot of sense… which actually makes this hank even more charming! HonkyHanks are high-end, handmade handkerchiefs – made for you to carry in your pocket for […]

Old Reliable | 10ml Honky Oil
Our Old Reliable essential oil blend includes Lavender, Peppermint, Clove,Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary . Hypothetically, if this oil COULD help to ease cold and allergy symptoms, we couldn’t legally tell you that. HonkyOil is a variety of essential oil blends for a variety of uses, including beard oil. We use quality essential oils from quality sources, and mix them […]

Honky Tonk | 10ml Honky Oil
Our HonkyTonk essential oil blend includes Peppermint, Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove,Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary . Hypothetically, if this oil COULD help to ease cold and flu symptoms, we couldn’t legally tell you that. HonkyOil is a variety of essential oil blends for a variety of uses, including beard oil. We use quality essential oils from quality sources, and mix them […]

Achy Breaky | 10ml Honky Oil
Achy Breaky is an essential oil blend that helps to relieve pain – much in the same way Ben Gay, Icy Hot, or other topical pain relievers work – but this is made with all natural ingredients, and works better. This blend includes vettiver, peppermint, Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove,, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Black Spruce, German Chamomile, […]

Facial Follicle Lubricant | 10ml Honky Oil
Facial Follicle Lubricant is a great oil for a variety of purposes, including use as a beard oil. It contains lemon, cedarwood, Clove, Lemon,Rosemary, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood Black Spruce, German Chamomile, Idaho Blue Spruce, Frankincense, Cistus, Bergamot, Cassia, and Davana. This particular blend is a woodsy smelling blend to keep your beard […]

MultiPurpose No. 9 | 10ml Honky Oil
MultiPurpose No. 9 is a great oil for a variety of purposes, including use as a beard oil. It contains vetiver, cedarwood, grapefruit, copaiba, lime, vanilla, and ocotea. This particular blend is a great mood enhancer, and to help with focus. HonkyOil is a variety of essential oil blends for a variety of uses, including […]