10 Christmas Gifts for Her
Despite what men say, women really aren’t that difficult to understand, and certainly not that hard to shop for. All it takes to find the perfect gift is finding out what she likes! Every lady is different, but these 10 ideas might get you started on the right track.
A Honky Hank!
These are extremely useful for ladies every day, especially the clutzy ones (guilty!). Hanks are excellent for wiping smudged makeup, blending concealer, wiping noses–especially those of the little ones–and so much more!
A pocket knife
Everyone needs a pocket knife. For some reason, they’ve gone out of fashion. But I think everyone lady should have one in particular. It’s the most useful everyday carry tool there is.
A record player
Record players are fun, vintage, and popular again. A lot of newer artists are releasing their music on vinyl these days, and there’s just something about the warm pop and hiss of a record player that is romantic, and authentic.
A potted plant
Plants are better than cut flowers. They are alive. They’ll last awhile. Get her something whimsical, like a cactus, or useful like an aloe, or herbs. Pothos is a simple low maintenance plant. Succulents are also low maintenance, and fun!
A girls night out
Give her the chance to get out of the house with some gal-pals. Dinner out, a movie, and an Uber for three of her best friends!
An emergency car kit
This is one of those things that we’re never prepared for. A flat tire on the highway – getting stuck in a winter storm – an accident. They are all situations for which she should have certain things in her vehicle. Road flares, tow straps, jumper cables, emergency food and water, an ice scraper, a flashlight, a blanket, etc. You can get her a kit with all of these things, or assemble it yourself.
A Young Living Essential Oils starter kit
Essential oils may seem like they are taking up your instagram stories feed, and you might be sick of hearing about them. But the truth is – many people are finding out that oils are changing their life in a way they never expected. A Young Living Starter Kit is a great way to get her all the oils she needs if she wants to try, for about the same price as just a couple of bottles. If she likes it, she’s now a distributor, and can get a discount if she wants to proceed in the “oily life”.
Pepper spray, a taser, a purse specifically made for a concealed carry weapon are all good gifts, if you want her to feel secure. Damsel in Defense has a great line of products and resources to keep her safe.
A gift certificate
Gift certificates don’t have to be impersonal. Give one that has special meaning. A gift card to her favorite coffee shop. A gift certificate for a tattoo, or a car detail… don’t just give her a big box store card, but one that means something to her.
Magazine subscription
Get her a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens, or Country Living, or Taste of Home, or Style, or some other magazine that she would love! It’s the gift that gives all year long!